Celebrating H.E. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s 73rd Birthday on September 4, 2024

Spreading compassion and support within our community

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On this special occasion, keeping Rinpoche’s teachings close to our hearts, Shenpen invites you to join us in a day filled with meaningful activities dedicated to spreading compassion and support within our community. Let us come together to make a positive impact, as we have done in past.

Activities on this special occasion:

  • Blood Donation: A small act with a huge impact. Your donation could save a life and bring hope to someone in need.
  • Meal for Street People: Provide a nourishing meal to those in need, offering sustenance for the body and a reminder that they are valued.
  • Meal for Baby Life Home: Bring comfort and happiness to young hearts by providing a special meal to the HIV-infected children at Baby Life Home, showing them that they are cherished and supported.
  • Meal for the Animals at Sneha’s Care: Extend your compassion to our furry friends by helping to provide food for the animals at Sneha’s Care.
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H.E. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

Your Involvement Makes a Difference

By participating in this celebration, you contribute to Shenpen’s ongoing mission to uplift and empower those in need. Whether you choose to donate, volunteer, or simply be present, your involvement will create a lasting positive impact on many lives. We look forward to sharing this meaningful experience with you!

Let us spread love, kindness, and compassion throughout our community, honoring Rinpoche’s wisdom and continuing his legacy of kindness. Together, we can make a difference.

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